This page features portable geologic field trips. Geology is best seen in person and outside, so please use these digital field trips as an invitation to get outside and truly explore Iowa's diverse landscapes and beyond! Feel free to download these data and take them with you on your own adventures. The format of these Podcast pages will display geologic videos with supporting photographs and informative text that explores the geology of Iowa's landscapes. History recorded in stone.
Testing out CesiumJs software, cannot embed with Google Earth
Geology of Iowa
- Our Surface – Sediments, Rivers, Soils, Life
- Our Bedrock – Minerals, Rocks, Mining, Groundwater, Fault lines and volcanic rifts
Geology and Environmental Sustainability in the News
- May 22, 2020 - The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, through the eyes of Genie Chance
- April 27, 2020 - Energy - New York Times Daily - The Glut of Oil
Iowa's State Parks
- Wapsipinicon
- Maquoketa Caves
Geologic Places of Interest in Iowa :-)
- Hurstville Lime Kilns (Maquoketa)
- Highlights of the Unique Geology of Fort Dodge, Iowa (GSI Fieldtrip April 12, 2014)
- 69th Annual Tri-state and Great Lakes Section - SEPM Fall Field Conference Northeast Iowa - Carbonate Platform Facies and Faunas of the Cedar Valley Group (Devonian)
- The Amazing Geology of Bremer County April 30, 2011
- Pennsylvanian gelogy of south-central Iowa (Lamoni & Decatur City) (GSI Spring'10)
- Geology of Klein and Conklin Quarries, Iowa City (GSI Fall'10) Page 1 and/or Page 2 Klein-Conklin
- Saylorville Lake Des Moines (GSI Spring'09)
- UNI Student Fieldtrip Reports
- Pictured Rocks, Jones, County Park
- Devonian Fossil Gorge, Coralville, Iowa
- Cedar Hills Sand Prairie, northwest of Cedar Falls, Iowa
- Dry Run Creek Watershed, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Geology beyond Iowa
- Ireland, in development
- Iceland, Page One and Page Two
- Sicily/Italy, Page One and Page Two
- UNI Earth and Environmental Sciences Field Courses: Page 1 - Colorado and Wyoming, Page 2 - Utah , Page 3 Montana, Page 4 - Minnesota , Page 5 - Cape Hatteras