Geomorphology @ UNI - Dr. Heinzel
Final exam = will be during our final class, Friday Dec. 13 from 10 to 11AM
Lecture slides (These slides are subject to change, if I show something in class, it is not present here, just let me know and I will get it to you ;-)
2. A Geomorphologist's Tool Kit
3. Intro. to Streams and Rivers e.g. Dry Run Creek
4. Fluvial Geomorphology, Watersheds and Fluvial Dynamics , Student Fluvial Q/A Background reading Schumm paper 1, Schumm paper 2, then Rosgen paper 1
6. Soil development , Digital Presentation to finish soils
I will be off campus and unavailable for a couple of weeks starting Oct. 2. Continue with learning content on this webpage AND work hard to collect the new Dry Run Creek Data. I should be able to anwer emails starting Oct. 8th or so... We will make up labs after I get back for Mass wasting and Glaciers.
6. Finishing soils Lecture via Panopto Presentation #1
7. Mass Wasting , Digital Presentation #2 - Lab: Collect DRC data Fitch, E.P., and Meyer, G.A., 2016, Temporal and spatial climatic controls on Holocene fire-related erosion and sedimentation, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Quaternary Research, v.85, p.75-86
8. Glaciers#1, Glaciers#2 ,, Alley, R.B., et al., Ice-sheet and Sea-level Changes: Science, v.310, p. 356-360
9. Eolian processes and the Iowan Surface - Mason, J.A., 2015, Up in the refrigerator – Geomorphic response to periglacial environments in the Upper Mississippi River Basin USA: J. of Geomorphology, v.248, p.363-381
Take home 'test 3' due before you leave for Fall Break. Covers Unit 10 and 11.
On deck...
12. Climate change, Landscape Evolution and Geomorphology , back up slide deck with more text , paper to read for discussion (day paper is to be read, will be mentioned in class) Fitch and Meyer Climate Controls on Holocene Fires, Jemez Mountains
Dry Run Creek Geomorphology
2016 UNI Geomorphology Dry Run Creek Assessment
A day in the life of Dry Run Creek, Cedar Falls, Iowa
If time is available -
Video/lecture assistance
Rock Cycle/Energy/Bowen's and Goldich Reaction series
Dry Run Creek, Cedar Falls Iowa