University of Northern Iowa, Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences - Where EARTH DAY IS EVERYDAY - EARTH DAY 2021
Fiftyone years ago, Â Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson came up with the idea for a national day to focus on the environment after Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, witnessed the ravages of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969. Find more on EARTH DAY'S HISTORY HERE.
Pro-Student UNI Earth and Environmental Sciences student Faith Luce and I secured a grant from the ISU Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture; this page seeks to celebrate the Earth, Learning, the Leopold’s lust for science and life AND our collective positive/sustainable/environmental actions… Keep’er Movin’ to make the next 50 years of living on earth better than the last hoping for the best and preparing for the rest! Click Here to learn more about Aldo Leopold from Faith. You may notice some 2020 numbers here, We had big plan last spring the our student went home a bit earlier than planned, so this is 2020 Earth Day Take 2 or 2021 :-)
Links to interesting projects - Get involved, Participate, Make a Difference :-)
2021 Dry Run Creek Clean Up Flyer
Earth Challange 2021 - A Citizen Sceince Initiative
National Geographic - Family Earth Day/Week Ideas
City Nature Challenge using the Inaturalist App
Iowa Environmental Council - Earth Day 2020 Blog
Participate in the University of Northern Iowa - Lifestyle Challenge
Project Learning Tree - Earth Day 2020 Activity Ideas
I See Change - Help document how weather and climate change is affecting all of us
UNI Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center
Environmental Recommendations - Food for the Soul
Music - Page One Earth Day Playlist , Page Two River Flow Music
Podcast - Recommendations page
Pages for Constant Vigilance -
New York Times - Running story on Environmental Roll backs over the past four years
Learn more
Sustainability at the University of Northern Iowa