The focus of this site is to help you explore Iowa’s amazing landscapes and the geologic processes that contribute to their development. A collaborative effort between the University of Northern Iowa, the Geologic Society of Iowa, and The Iowa Limestone Producers Association has been created to help you explore and learn from your own personal environments.
Earth is Calling from Explore Iowa's Geology (IGEIN) on Vimeo *Courtesy of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas – Austin
Get ready, set, explore!
This site contains information and opportunities geared towards assisting Iowa's teachers, students, and families learn from and teach other about Iowa’s landscapes and geology. Join us in characterizing and monitoring Iowa's amazing natural landscapes and resources. The primary goal is to encourage you, your family, or your students to visit and discover Iowa’s ever changing landscapes. The best classrooms are found in your back yards, state and county parks, and Iowa’s diverse natural areas.
New addtions to the IGEIN
UNI Earth and Environmental Sciences Earth Day Page
A Day in the Life of Dry Run Creek, University of Northern Iowa