Soils and Landscapes - Dr. C.E. Heinzel - Fall 2023
Syllabus - Fall 2023 Version 2 - A work in progress, This course meets on Wed. (2-3) & Friday (2-5)
Weekly content
Week 1 : Intro. Soil History, Classification and Importance - Photo Slides , Lecture slides
Week 2 : Soil morphology and composition - Lecture slides
Week 3: Soil horizonation - Lecture slides
Week 4: Soil horizonation then Soil orders (board work and handouts)
Week 5: Soil classification and taxonomy (board work and handouts)
Week 6: Soil mapping - Lecture slides, Test 1 Learning Guide
Week 7: Review then Test 1 - Friday October, 6, 2023 approx. 100 points
Week 8: Test Review, Rock Cycle, Data Aquisition
Week 9: Climate, Parent Material, Weathering - Lecture Slides - Homecoming
Week 10: Geomorphology, Hydrology and Soils Lecture Slides 1, then Robert Ruhe discussion and Hydric Soils ID Handout
Week 11: Geomorphology continued and Final Project Discussion, Field trip to Cedar Hills Sand Prairie
Week 12: Soil Chronostratigraphy, Paleosols and Environmental Reconstructions, Wed. Nov. 8 Lecture , Test 2 Study outline
Week 13: Joining Geomorphology and Soils to Archaeology - TEST 2 Friday Nov. 17 , Lecture slides, Reading for after fall break Graveyard of Empires (p.49-73)
Week 14: Fall Break - Go have some fun with family and friends
Week 15: Soil and Achaeology
Week 16: Soil, Agriculture and the Future of our Food System
Final Exam - Monday, December 11, 3 to 5pm, Latham 133
Reading and Handouts
Textbook 1 - Soil Genesis and Classification by Buol, Southard, Grahm, McDaniel (BSGM) , this book for all test 1 content.
Textbook 2 - Soil Genesis and Geomorphology by Schaetzl and Anderson (SA)
Additional resources
Books: Keys to Soil taxonomy , NRCS Soil Fieldbook , Illustrated Guide to Soil taxonomy
Handounts: Iowa Nature Series (Soils and Landforms) , Soils a Historical Perspective, Soil Internet Resources, Soil Vocabulary, Introduction to Soil Color, Introductioin to Soil Horizon Classifiction,
Soil Internet Resources - Selected there are many :-)
Illustrated Soil Taxonomy Handbook
Official Soil Survey Descriptions (OSD)
Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Videos -
Suzanne Simard - Gustavus Adolphus College - 54th Nobel Conference 2018
Jack Gilbert - Gustavus Adolphus College - 54th Nobel Conference 2018
David Mongomery, Gustavus Adolphus College - 54th Nobel Conference 2018
Rattan Lal - Gustavus Adolphus College - 54th Nobel Conference 2018