Geologic Field Methods @ UNI - Dr. Heinzel - Fall 2022
Important Handouts: 1. Syllabus , 2. Project Description
In general geologic field work is…
A. Observing, characterizing, classifying, interpreting geologic environments.
B. Applying geologic principles and knowledge to understand and sustainably interact with the Earth and beyond.
C. Creating geologic maps, stratigraphic sections, graphs and reports that communicates the results of field work.
Week 1 Field Geology Philosophy and Safety Slides 1
Week 2 Basic equipment and applications, Tools, Slides 2
Week 3 Basic equipment and applications Digital, outdoor lab
Week 4 Characterizing rock and sediments, outdoor lab
Week 5 Structural geology and mapping, outdoor lab
Week 6 Glacial, Fluvial and eolian environments Slides 3
Week 7 Quaternary sediment and soil description, Slides 4
Week 8 Stratigraphic sections Slides 5, Plus photography and sketching Slides 6
Week 9 Watershed and stream deliniation
Week 10 Geologic mapping on a topgrpahic base
Week 11 Glacial environments of the upper Midwest
Week 12 Carbonate environments
Week 13 Open
Week 14 Fall Break
Week 15 Igneous to metamorphic, Field studies
Week 16 Open
Lab 1 - Earth Materials in Review and Field safety Field Gear List
Lab 2 - Field Methods and Tools
Lab 3 - Digital Field Equipment
Lab 4 - Illustrations, field notes and reports Handout - Taking Field Notes
Lab 5 - Field Trip to Baraboo, WI
Lab 6 - Tripoli Quarry
Lab 7 - Soil characterization
Lab 8 - Dry Run Creek Restoration Prj.
Lab 9 - Maquoketa Trip
Lab 10 - Cedar Hills Sand Praire
Lab 11 -
Lab 12 - Geologic Cores
Extra help
Field Photography and Sampling
Video to help with lab
Video #2 -Part of Stuctural Geology Review