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Explore Iowa Geology

The Geology of Klein and Conklin Quarries (Johnson Co., Iowa)

Located near Coralville and Iowa and Iowa City, Klein and Conklin Quarries provide a unique window into the Earth's past. .

Art Bettis (U of I) Weathering profile discussion (Part 1) Key words: Loess, erosion surface, landscape development, stone lines/lags, soil peds, oxidation/reduction, joint faces/polygons

Art Bettis (U of I) weathering profile discussion (Part 2) Key words: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landfills, leachates, permeability (matrix vs. unit), till fracture networks, modeling, vadose zone

Art Conklin Quarry glacial overview (You will need to turn up your volume!) Keywords: Pre-Illinoian till Alburnett and Wolf Creek Formations, paleomagnetic reversal, lithostratigraphy, clay mineralogy, polarity reversals, alluvial fill, paleosol

Brian Witzke & Tom Marshall (IGWS) Speaking about the sedimentary rocks at Conklin Quarry. Keywords: Corals/fossils, Pennsylvanian erosion into Devonian bedrock, carbonate mudflats, sea transgression, mud cracks

Brian and Tom (IGWS) Speaking about the geochemistry of pyrite and limestone

Images from the field (Conklin Quarry)

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Geologic Society of Iowa Guidebook #87 Scroll down to the bottom of the page

River Products Company (Iowa City, Iowa)